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When You Love Someone a Latte
I take the first sip. Foam 
froths lightly, airily, wisps
of warmth diffusing slow
throughout my chest before
down, and there! It settles.
The second sip—my hands
feel tingly. 'Round the warmth 
my fingers wrap. "Don't drink 
too fast," she says. My mom 
cautions, "Hot."
I remember the last few times, how tingling turned to stinging, from downing scalding drinks
too quickly.
The third sip, then the fourth.
By now it's not so hot,
and I can savor it,
enveloping my tongue, 
caressing it with subtleties, 
small tones and textures never noticed 'fore. 
The foam is gone, but I find what it masked below: something lightly bitter, slightly sweet, 
altogether wonderful.
Emily Xie
Published in Issue 41